Motivational Speaker

Angelia’s commitment to giving was ignited following a number of hard hitting moments in her life. Becoming a mother at a very young age, moving away from her family home at just nineteen, and making a full recovery from breast cancer in her later life profoundly strengthened her outlook on life. It was here that she made a firm commitment to sharing her story of resilience with others, with the aim of inspiring them to take full responsibility for their lives and reaching their highest potential.

Teach Others How To Be Great…

Angelia describes herself as a “go getter” and someone who is very much inspired by her Father and Son; two individuals who have served as reminders of what it means to love unconditionally. To care and to love are her life mantras, serving as her daily reminder that life’s mission is always more than just ourselves.

“The past cannot be changed. The future is still in your power.”