Slaying With My Broken Pieces
I never thought I would have the strength to tell my story to a group of people until that day. It was a chance meeting that gave me the courage to share things that I had bored inside for so long. About a year ago, I was sitting in a restaurant with a group of ladies. It was your typical girls night out where we all gathered together to relax from our day and enjoy each other’s presence. I was looking at the menu oblivious to what was going on, when the waiter approached our table.
Fairy Tales & Well Laid Plans…
Some of the shattered pieces in my life, I broke myself doing so with my own will and will-though out plans. You never really know what you might step into, no matter how well planned you may think you are.
“Use discernment but don’t be afraid to speak. In order to tell your story, you have to tell your business. Know ‘when’ and ‘what’ to tell.”